Two Shakes and a Marathon

Well the Two Shakes – if you follow me on social media you’ll notice that I am switching out two meals for Forever Shakes instead. I will let you know of weight progress but i did lose 2kg across two weeks which is my target amount.

The Marathon. 22 weeks to get ready for that. I did my first run last week and it went surprisingly well. I didn’t measure the distance or my heart rate. I just ran for 6 mins and walked for 1min. And it felt okay. 45 minutes of that.

The lingering cough still lingers so I haven’t pushed it. I’m at a seminar today and tomorrow so I may get a short run in after tomorrow but doubtful today as we don’t finish until 7pm.

I am fundraising for the marathon but won’t launch that until probably 1st June. I am waiting to hear back from the cause I’m raising for. Watch this space.

It was a sad week last week which caused me to pause and reflect. A young girl lost her fight for life after a cycling accident and subsequent 30+ day coma and a friend’s husband lost his fight with cancer. Both too young to be gone so soon. What that always does is give you time to think of where you are in your life, where you want to be, and how to get there.

I went to a great seminar last week by the Mojo Master and it highlighted to me some issues I have around fear of success, self sabotage and procrastination. I am at age 51 still a work in progress!

In other exciting news my gorgeous daughter Artemis is thriving at gymnastics squad. She is now trying out for the next level. Will get feedback next week as to where she will be placed. I am proud of her regardless. One BIG lesson I learned from Macca is that if you have the talent you’re the same as all the others that have the talent, you have to want it more and you have to work harder for it.

That’s all from me today – please follow on Facebook where I post a couple of videos a week.

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