Anti-social media

Well Easter has come and gone in a flurry of chocolate. Seriously why do chocolate eggs and bunnies taste so much better than any other chocolate.

And we’re not done yet, I’m married to a Greek and Easter falls on the 1st May. I’m hoping I will be sick of the stuff by then.

Now I want to talk about social media. Maybe we should call that anti-social media. It would seem that eople have forgotten how to behave socially, that is to talk to each other not hidden behind their screen.

Now as you all probably know I’m a huge fan of social media, FB, Twitter, Instagram even Linkedin. But what I loathe is people that air their dirty laundry on these sites. Not naming names but to publicly start complaining to someone about something they’ve done on your timeline, tagging them in the process, rather than just picking up the phone or sending a message is downright ridiculous. And for all of their friends to jump on the bandwagon (with no idea what has happened) is double ridiculous.

So if you do this to me, do not expect a reaction, do not expect a public argument on social media, it won’t happen. I will most likely remove you from my social media life thank you Facebook for that option. It’s the sort of behaviour I expect from my 11 year old daughter not 40 year old family or friends.

I once read that social media is like the dinner table, no sex, no religion, no politics to be discussed. It’s a rule I like.

On the flipside, I get to communicate with people I love from all over the world. Today I am sending much love to my brother and his family who lost their puppy Jack to the Big C. Hugs and love from us and Scooby.


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